Follow this short guide to understand the steps to follow to build successful relationships with every new member who joins your Cerule team.

The GOAL of making a connection is to set yourself up as your new team member’s sponsor.

You want your new team member to see you as the reason they are succeeding by taking action and remaining accountable to you.

Ultimately, they will see you as the reason for their success.

Within 5 days of your new team member joining take Step 1:

Make a connection with your new team member.

Introduce yourself as their Cerule sponsor and let your new team member know you are there to help support their business-building efforts.

Find out more about them, their family, and the goals they want to achieve with their business.

Ensure your new team member has joined Cerule and is now part of your team.

Show them how to set up their auto-ship or refer them to Melinda for support as needed.

Encourage your new team member to start using the products as one of their first business-building tactics.

Be supportive and helpful, so they get to know you as someone that wants to see them succeed. 


Goal #1. Get to know your new team member.

Goal #2. Develop a connection to start building the Know, Like, and Trust factor with your new team member.

Goal #3. Listen and offer suggestions on how your new team member can get started and roll forward successfully with you as their sponsor. 

Within 10 days of Step 1, take Step 2: 

Take the leadership role with every new team member. Be a great sponsor.

Make sure your new team members have completed their marketing plan training on the GPN blog at and have had their complimentary coaching call to finalize their marketing plan.

If your team member has not, get their commitment and set a time when they will complete the work and reset your Step 2 meeting.

Assuming they now have completed their coaching call and have their marketing plan created, ask them about what they want to accomplish (their WHY).

What did they commit to achieving during their marketing plan coaching process?

Find out why that is important for them to achieve.

Reinforce the importance of following the marketing plan that your new team member set in their coaching call.

Find out about the marketing tactics your new team member committed to using

Share any insights you discovered by using those marketing tactics, as applicable.

Make sure your new team member understands how to stand out by sharing the Residual Income Success Plan rather than talking about or pitching a company, like everyone else in the industry.

Let them know this is a long-term journey and not a 1 or 2-month process.

An important note about leads

If your team member is using DFY (Done For You) Leads as a primary marketing tactic make sure they realize that leads take time. If they are only using leads to build their business it’s going to take 12 to 24 months to see full results from leads.

To speed up the sales pipeline, encourage your new team member to add 1 referral per week (best) or 2 referrals per month (good) to speed up their sales pipeline. Encourage your new team member to review the 2-Question Referral Script and take action on the steps covered.

If they stay on track with their plan, take consistent action on a weekly and monthly basis, and don’t quit, they WILL create success and achieve their financial goals.

Ask about their sales pipeline goal and let them know you are interested in helping them to achieve it. Invite them to contact you with questions or if they encounter issues. NOTE: 2 people per week or 8 per month in the GPN sales pipeline is a minimum goal to reach.


Goal #1. Continue to build trust with your new team member. Listen and offer suggestions about how your new team member can keep their progress moving forward.

Goal #2. Establish yourself as a caring leader. Let your team members know you’re there to guide them so that they acknowledge your help when they start earning money – you are their sponsor, let them know you care about their success.

Within 21 days of Step 2, take Step 3: 

This is where you are holding them accountable for their sales pipeline goals.

By the end of the first month, your new team member will show how well they are taking action on their marketing plan.

Find out if your new team member is going to achieve, exceed, or fall short of the sales pipeline goals they set.

If they will exceed or reach the goal, congratulate them.

Let them know that when they keep hitting their monthly sales pipeline goals, they are building a long-term asset and setting themselves up for success and long-term residual income.

If they did not achieve their goal, let them know it’s common in the first month. Be understanding yet firm.

Find out if they kept their time and marketing budget commitments created in their marketing plan.

If not, show them what you are doing to:

1. Stay on track by blocking time on your calendar to take consistent action

2. And setting aside money to ensure consistency with marketing tactics.

If they are primarily using DFY (Done For You) leads to build their business make sure they realize that results come over time.

Help your new team member realize that they need to stay consistent with purchasing leads over 12 to 24 months to build a base that creates exponential growth.

To speed up the sales pipeline, add a few referrals each month.

As long as they stay consistent with their marketing plan every month, they will create success.


Goal #1. Take the leadership role. Hold your new team member accountable to the plan they created in coaching.

Goal #2. Refer to the Cerule training in the GPN Blog for more details on any marketing tactic they have questions about.


At a minimum, every 30-days (preferably more often), check in with your new team member to see how they are doing.

Celebrate every ‘win.’ When your team member achieves their pipeline goal, they created a BIG WIN.

When one of your team members has a new member on their team, congratulate them. Ensure they are taking these same steps to support the new team member that you have taken with them!

Reinforce the understanding that building a business is a long-term effort over 12 months, 24 months, and beyond. Your team member must work on their business consistently to succeed.

If your team members stay on track with their plan, take consistent action weekly and monthly, and don’t quit, they WILL create success and achieve their financial goals.

Encourage them to expand their marketing tactic(s) once they have successfully mastered their current marketing tactic(s).

If they are struggling with their current marketing tactic(s), suggest they get additional guidance by emailing

If life events kept them from working on their business, be understanding. Let them know not to try to catch up but to start from where they are today.

Your team members will get discouraged from time to time.

Be their understanding sounding board but also let them know that success occurs for people who work their business consistently and persevere through difficult times — i.e., don’t quit

Share your experiences. Let them know what you are doing that is working and building your sales pipeline.

Leading a team takes determination and a consistent relationship-building effort.

Taking the time to being a great sponsor for your team pays off long-term.

You’ll create an engaged team that is successfully taking action to build their business consistently. And, of course, you succeed with higher residual income.

If you have questions about building relationships with your team members, email, and we’ll be happy to help.