Be sure to adjust what you say depending on the interests of the person you’re talking to. For example, when talking to network marketers with a downline, their interest is team duplication.
Here are talking points to use when talking to network marketers with a downline.
Be sure to review the conversation scenario below that illustrates a conversation you could have with this target market group.
INTEREST: Duplication from their team members.
PROBLEM GPN SOLVES: We can offer you 10 to 20 TIMES the duplication rate typically seen in the home business industry. Focus on GPN being able to help them create higher duplication with THEIR existing team and business.
How is the duplication rate going for your business? Are you like most team builders getting a tiny percentage of your team duplicating under you?
What if you had a proven system that could create 10X’s to 20X’s the duplication rate with new members joining YOUR team – would you want to know how that works?
Check out, and let’s see how we can potentially create a win-win together.
Potential conversation scenario for Network Marketers with a downline
Hey, <FIRSTNAME>, I discovered a company specializing in helping people create success in a home business like network marketing.
They have been around for 18 years and have duplication rates that are 10X’s to 20X’s higher than what you’ve seen before with new team members that are successfully taking action to build their business.
That’s instead of the “normal” duplication rates of less than 5 in 100 that we’ve typically seen in network marketing.
The reason for this stronger result is that there is a sales team doing all the calls and enrollments for you.
You even get personal coaching to help you customize a marketing plan to build your business in a way that fits your situation.
This company and these higher duplication rates could be a great fit to help you build your [THEIR COMPANY NAME] business.
If you are interested in learning more about how this could help you and your team, please let me know.
If they show interest – “I will have someone from my team give you a call to explain how this unique, cutting-edge approach works.”
If they say, they’d like to see more information – “Sure, no problem, check out this 3-minute video at and set up a meeting if you like what you see.”
For not interested replies – “No problem. You have my number. If you ever change your mind, let me know. I’ll be happy to help you then.”
NEXT STEP: If they agree to have someone from your team call them, put their name and contact info into your GPN back office.
Add them as a referral, along with details of what business they are building and a little background info on them. Then the rest is done by your Business Building Consultant team at GPN.
Here are step-by-step instructions for manually adding a referral you’ve talked to who agreed to a consultation.

If you have questions about how to work with network marketers that have a downline of any size, email and we’ll be happy to help.